Sunday, 22 March 2009

Positive Psychology in a Sub-prime Age

Over the last 2 years the external shocks in the financial markets have ground most of us down on more than one occasion. The frequency, magnitude and persistence of gloomy news has been unrelenting. So much of this is outside of any one person's control (Gordon included), the collapsing property markets, the vol-o-caust in vol markets, the inversion of euro 10/30s, CDS basis, yen basis swaps... the moves are so extreme as to leave the participants crushed by a feeling of powerlessness like tiny surfers on a tidal wave.

While one can't control the financial catastrophes I have noticed some people are finding pride elsewhere, doing things that they very
much can control. An enthusiasm for growing vegetables, baking, getting fit, learning to swim and even guerrilla farming.

One such venture is that of a friend of mine. He has created a wonderful s
mall business around vintage images of Land Rovers.

And here is something that I've taken some pride from this weekend. A monster pile of logs which I was then able to stand back and admire with a large mug of vintimage tea. I
might not be able to save the free world from impending financial implosion but I can make a big stack of logs and do it with a sense of satisfaction.At Mega-bank last Friday I was privileged to attend a seminar on positive psychology presented by Shawn Achor of Harvard University. I cant possibly summarise his 3 hour discourse and do it justice but the end result is something like, don't look at what you haven't got - focus of what you have and be grateful for it. I may have been the victim of some brainwashing scheme but it seems to be working for me.

Here are a few of the wonderful things that I was able to appreciate this weekend.

What could possibly beat the simple pleasure of finding a person sized whole in the garden while out feeding the pigs on a sunny spring morning. Milo thought that the only way you could top that for fun was to try leaping over it.

So there's #1 gratitude, the joy of finding holes and leaping over them.

Here's #2. Sascha Coombs has been top helper all weekend. He helped rebuild the potting shed on Saturday by passing me tools and countless screws and nails, 'dish juan Daddy' And he has tirelessly campaigned to go to see the pigs. Here he is, helping out again.

And gratitude #3 is Milo. I think he might also have received some brain realignment recently. Last week he started to come home from school and insist on riding his bike, playing with his sister and going for walks in the woods. Something about getting stars and 25 stars apparently gets a DS game. I'm not sure he always remembers to collect the stars but either way, he has been angelic.

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